13 Nov What to Do in the Central Coastal Drive: November 18-19
It’s the most Wonderful Time of the Year! This is just a sample of what you can do along the Central Coastal Drive this weekend. For more details and more to do, check out Good Tidings on the North Shore events and shops directory ☂️
Saturday, November 18
The Hot Chocolate Trail in partnership with the Dairy Farmers of PEI kicks off today, so start your Saturday with a visit to Jane & Sue Chocolates in Stanley Bridge to try their delicious entry. Then, why not head across the road for some goat cuddles at Alexander & Darlene’s Farm Haven.
With your hot chocolate in tow, take a quick drive down the road to Carr’s Oyster Bar for their Holiday Craft Fair. While there, grab a bite to eat from their take-out menu. Need more craft fair fun? The Bluefield Band Craft Fair and the Christmas in a Barn Craft Show in Bonshaw is this weekend too!
Head to Mayfield at 1pm for A Handmade Christmas with Knit Pickers- Margaret McEachern. Using a loom, you can make a beautiful handmade gift for your loved one for the holidays.
Feeling like another hot chocolate? Head to Deep Roots Distillery in Warren Grove to give their creation a try at their Cocoa & Cookies event! Their neighbours cute pigs will be there too 🙂 from 1pm – 4pm!
Your day isn’t done just yet, head to Harmony House for Dan Doiron in the Lounge, reserve your table soon! ps. are you still looking for that perfect Holiday party to attend? Select dates between Dec 1- 16 enjoy the Harmony House Holiday Kitchen Party with co-workers, friends or family!
Sunday, November 19
What better way to spend a Sunday morning than with some goats? Have a morning of fun at Island Hill Farm – don’t forget to grab a hot chocolate while you are there! Did you know that IHF has Farmer Flory’s Cafe + a Gift Shop? They have a Black Friday sale going on right now for their annual memberships. Check off the kids on your Christmas list in Hampshire!
All that fun will work up an appetite, so stop by The Mill in New Glasgow for lunch and to visit The Village Square vendors and then you could quickly swing by the PEI Preserve Company to pick up some snacks for later, or their delicious Hot Chocolate.
If the weather is permitting, take a hike on the trail at Bonshaw Hills Provincial Park and enjoy a post- hike treat at Island Chocolates in Victoria – their White Chocolate Cocoa (with an optional shot of espresso) is the perfect pick me up, plus – you could also enjoy their famous Chocolate waffles from 10am to 2pm Island Chocolates will also host Megan Ellands from 4pm – 6pm!
End the afternoon off with a visit to the North River Causeway to get some shopping done at Anne of Green Gables Chocolates and COWs Creamery to pick up their delicious hot chocolate mixture for home.
This isn’t even close to everything you can do along the Central Coastal Drive this weekend Be sure to follow us on our social channels @CentralCoastalPEI to learn more!