A Celebration of Creative Writing on PEI – Sept. 14th-17th, 2023

Presented by the PEI Writers’ Guild, The Wild Threads Literary Festival is a four-day celebration of creative writing happening from September 14th-17th, 2023 in PEI! There are a number of events and workshops happening in Charlottetown, and this year, there will be two events taking place in the beautiful, rural village of Victoria-by-the-Sea: 

STORY PLAY: THE ART OF WRITING FICTION workshop with Trevor Corkum

On September 16th from 10 am-12 pm, award-winning writer, educator, and scholar Trevor Corkum will be hosting a writer’s workshop at the Victoria Historic Schoolhouse! This workshop will be a playful refresher for seasoned writers, but no writing experience is required to attend. Purchase your tickets here


Music PEI Award Winner Shane Pendergast welcomes to the stage a seamless blend of award-winning authors, folk music performers, poets and storytellers. Featuring readings from authors Nicholas Herring and Bren Simmers, and musical performances from famed Island artists Mark Haines and fiddler Rowen Gallant. This new addition to our festival pays respect to the tradition of coffeehouses of the 60’s and will be held in the historic setting of the Victoria Playhouse in beautiful Victoria-by-the-Sea. Purchase your tickets here


Find a full schedule of the Wild Threads Literary Festival events here!